Are you utilizing all the tools you can to keep your oral health in check? Did you know having the proper tools can help you keep your teeth clean? Yes, it’s true! Dental tools are needed for every home in order to protect your teeth from plaque and cavities. That is why it’s important to make sure you have the... read more »
Did you know you mouth’s pH level can be deregulated by the introduction of extremely acidic snacks, such as sour candy? If the pH level drops in your mouth, enamel loss can occur. With the addition of dangerous sugars to compound this effect, you have the perfect storm for tooth decay and cavities. Here are a few more facts about... read more »
You know that brushing and flossing your teeth are both important, but do you know which should come first? Would you be surprised to learn that the order doesn’t really matter? In reality, it’s far more important that you brush and floss properly. You see, many people don’t know everything they could about brushing—or about why brushing is as important... read more »
It would be tough to find someone who enjoys flossing their teeth in their spare time. In short, flossing can be difficult, time consuming, and sometimes uncomfortable. However, cleaning between teeth is also an important oral hygiene practice. Here are several interdental cleaners that work as great alternatives to flossing. Wooden Plaque Remover This type of interdental cleaner is similar... read more »