Give Your Smile The Sparkling Touch With Cosmetic Dentistry

Do you feel your smile has lost its sparkle? If so, you are not alone. That is why cosmetic dentistry has become extremely popular in our world today. Thanks to the modern day advancements in dentistry, there are now many ways to give your smile the sparkling touch through cosmetic dentistry. To help you understand more about cosmetic dentistry, our... read more »

What Can Cause Your Dental Filling to Deteriorate?

Are you practicing excellent oral hygiene to keep your smile healthy and vibrant? Your daily brushing and flossing and six month dental checkups, all work to give your smile a fighting chance against tooth decay and gum disease. Even so, bacterial plaque can wreak havoc on your pearly whites, resulting in cavities. When this happens, dental fillings will restore your... read more »

Know Your Teeth

You use your teeth every day for chewing food, chatting with friends, and smiling for photos. But even though teeth are a constant in your life, you may not know a lot about them. Here is some information about the names, shapes, and functions of the different teeth in your mouth. Incisors These are the teeth located in the front... read more »

The Different Types Of Chipped Teeth

You used your teeth to open a water bottle cap. You got tackled while playing football. You ground your teeth chronically while sleeping. All of these actions can result in chipped or fractured teeth. Even if a crack is small, it can cause pain, sensitivity, decay, or even infection. Some of the ways your tooth can fracture include: Craze Lines:... read more »

King Me! What You Want To Know About Dental Crowns

Has your dentist told you that your need a dental crown? You may find yourself wondering about what kinds of crowns are available, what they do for your teeth, and anything else you need to know about them. Here are some of the answers to your questions. What Crowns Can Do For Your Teeth Improve the appearance of stained or... read more »