Oral health conditions such as periodontal disease, tooth decay, and oral cancers can cause significant discomfort, and prove costly to treat. In many of these cases, prevention and early detection can greatly improve your chances of maintaining good oral health for many years to come.
Your daily oral hygiene routine is a very important preventative measure against periodontal disease and cavities. Brushing your teeth twice each day, and flossing once is critical for removing plaque and residual food particles from your mouth to help preserve the health of your teeth and periodontal tissues.
While performing your daily oral hygiene routine you need to be sure that you are only using the highest-quality oral hygiene products. It’s always wise to look for the American Dental Association’s Seal of Acceptance before purchasing any oral hygiene product. The ADA logo can only be printed on the package that indicates it has been researched and tested for safe oral use.
Having a dental checkup and cleaning performed every six months at Dr. Stephen Huber’s clinic in Leawood, Kansas is also very important for maintaining a healthy mouth. This simple appointment is designed to clean your teeth and examine your mouth for signs of gum disease, tooth decay, and oral cancer. If Dr. Stephen Huber finds a problem he will help you understand your treatment options including referring you to a specialist for further diagnosis if needed.
If you live in the Leawood, Kansas, area and you’re concerned about some aspect of your oral health, you should call 913-543-3751 to schedule a checkup at Stephen Huber